Sunday, November 30, 2008

Strategy from December 2008 - April 2009

Many have to learn some new materials/chapters. Some institutes have completed the full syllabus.

If you have not yet completed full syllabus, you have to learn daily some new materials by sitting in the class, studying at home and doing problems in these chapters.

Revision: Have a plan to complete one full revision of all chapters by December end.

Mastering chapters: Have a plan to master at least one chapter for day. I earliest said five point revision per hour. Do five point revision for the chapter you want to master on a day.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Study Plan for Examination - JEE 2009

Complete revision of all chapters once before Dec 31.

Jan 1 to Feb 15. Complete revision of all principles at the rate of 3 chapters per day.

Daily solve 100 problems including some difficult examples

Second revision of principles Feb 16 to 31 March

Daily solve 100 problems including some difficult examples

Third revision 1 April to 7th April - 15 Chapters a day. Revise some difficult problems.

Relax for one or two days.

Do revision as you feel without tiring yourself before the examination.

All the best for the examination. Go with all the confidence. You have done your best preparation.

Your comments and plan welcome

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Pursuit of Goals - Motivation Essential

Bonnie St. John Deane

Winner in Disabled Olympics, Harvard and Oxford Degree holder, White House Official on National Economic Council

Who or what motivates you?

Her answer: "I motivate me."

Her method: Five step exercise.

Five steps

1.What are your payoffs? List down the benefits or rewards from achieving or completing the task.

2. Find deeper meaning in your goals. Find compelling reasons for completing your goal.

3. Get your dreams at half price. Find more goals which can be reached with the work that you are putting in for reaching this goal. Work with a friend. Develop a plan to achieve the goal efficiently with less cost.

4. Stop underestimating your odds for success: Underestimating your odds to succeed can stop you dead in your tracks. Believe in your success till the end of the task.

Err on the side of optimism. Spend less time with people who discourage you on the task or goal. But don't just believe in positive thinking. Investigate the odds, have a real confidence that they are within your teach and always work on improving the odds.

5. Change your real odds or winning or improving odds: Learn from people who have succeeded in reaching the goal before.